School Fundraisers – Getting the Word Out

Whether it is spring, summer, fall or winter it is always a great time for school fundraising. When you make fundraising a year round commitment you will have more opportunities to earn money for your school and you will constantly have your school’s financial needs in your focus. Here are some great school fundraising ideas for every season of the year.

Spring is a great time for school fundraising. If golf fundraiser ideas you choose to hold a catalog sale you may choose to sell spring gifts or treats. In addition it is the perfect time for a gardening themed fundraiser like bulb sales or gardening products. Many schools like to host candy fundraisers at this time since it is the perfect time to sell Easter treats.

If your school is looking for an in house fundraising idea they might want to hold a bake sale. The nice cool weather also makes this a great time for a spring carnival. Spring is an ideal time for car washes, bake sales, carnivals and other outdoor events.

School might be out for the summer, but this doesn’t mean that fundraising should stop. The summer months are the perfect time to prepare for school year fundraisers. Consider contacting fundraising companies, scheduling fundraisers and coordinating plans with school administrators.

If your school is a year round school, there are many great fundraising options for the summer months as well. Car washes are perfect at this time of the year. It is also a great time to partner with local businesses to earn a little extra money. For example you might decide to partner with a local pizza restaurant to host an event and share the profits. Since family schedules are a little less full during the summer you might get a better turnout than you will at other times during the year.

Back to school fundraisers are a great way to kick off the school year. Your school can set up a little shop selling school supplies, or you might want to partner with a local office products company that will donate materials as you send parents there to purchase supplies. If you plan on hosting a catalog sale gourmet treats and other tasty delights can be popular.

Many schools host a cookie dough or a pie fundraiser right before Thanksgiving. This gives people a great opportunity to purchase holiday goodies while supporting the school. You may also want to hold a back to school ice cream social or dinner. Any of these ideas can start off the school year right by helping your school to start earning money.

During the cold winter months you might want to avoid hosting outdoor fundraisers like car washes and carnivals, but you will find that there are still tons of great fundraising opportunities. Catalog sales are ideal for this time of year. Holiday gift wrap, treats and gifts are always popular and profitable choices. Some schools choose to host a holiday shop where students can easily purchase gifts for family and friends. You may also want to hold an indoor carnival or a holiday family dinner at the school. Cookie dough fundraisers and other treats also tend to be profitable fundraising choices for the winter months. Remember to plan ahead and hold your winter fundraisers early so that you can offer gifts to holiday shoppers before they purchase them from somewhere else.